How To Clean Dog Teeth Without Brushing?
There are many alternatives to clean your dog’s teeth without using a brush. You can try using dental sprays, teeth cleaning wipes, chewable toys, etc. Choose the best way that will help your dog to get rid of bad breath without causing any pain.
As a dog parent, you can’t stay for long without your dog giving you a lick or smooch on your face. That’s how pets behave and express their love to humans. But with every smooch comes a lousy doggy breath, which can smell incredibly awful. So, it’s more important to clean your dog’s teeth than anything.
Most of the time, dogs resist when seeing a toothbrush as they know what will happen next. But do you know there are other alternative ways as well to clean your dog’s teeth? In this article, we’ll reveal some unique ways on how to clean dog teeth without brushing effectively.
Does My Dog Really Require Teeth Cleaning?
There’s no substitute for regular cleaning your dog’s teeth. Oral and dental hygiene is essential for your doggie pals. Pet parents always want to ensure that their dog’s dental health is alright. So, It’s necessary to brush your dog’s teeth, be it with a toothbrush or without a brush.
If you brush your dog’s teeth frequently with a toothbrush, he might get used to the task. However, as many of you know, dogs get bored really fast. Offering your dog an alternative to keep their teeth clean without using a brush is a great option to keep them happy and entertained at the same time.
So, below are some alternative ways to clean your dog’s teeth without using a brush.
How To Clean Dog Teeth Without Brushing?
When your dog becomes irritated or fussy about having a brush shoved into his mouth, it might also get frustrated for you. You should consider alternative means to clean your dog’s teeth in those situations. Below are 9 alternative ways to clean your dog’s teeth without brushing.
1. Dog Dental Spray
Probably the easiest alternative to clean your dog’s teeth is using a dog dental spray. The dental spray is tasty, helps freshen the smelly breath, and eliminates any plaque stuck in their mouth. It’s pretty simple to use the spray into the dog’s mouth, and dogs usually don’t show any resistance to using it. However, a dental spray works relatively slowly compared to the other ways of cleaning their teeth.
2. Dental Wipes
Dog teeth cleaning wipes are another simple means to clean your dog’s teeth without brushing. The dental wipes are easy to use and don’t require any particular skill to use on your dog. However, many dogs get uncomfortable with a foreign object in their mouth, but they get used to it with regular usage. Make sure your hands and fingers are clean before using the wipes.
3. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil has rich antimicrobial properties and promotes healthy canine teeth and gums for a longer period. The coconut oil can kill off the bacteria and prevents the teeth from decaying or gum diseases in dogs.
You can either put coconut oil into your dog’s food or directly apply it to their teeth and gums.
4. Bully Sticks
Dogs love eating and chewing bully sticks. These delicious sticks aren’t just a tasty snack but also help your dog spend a significant time chewing on them. These sweet pieces of meat help your dog’s dental health by chipping off the tartar while chewing.
5. Raw Bones
Raw bones are another great way that help clean your dog’s teeth without any brush involved. When a dog chews on a natural bone, they tear off the connective tissues, allowing cleaning their mouth and the spaces between their teeth. But before giving a raw bone to your dog, you should consult it with your veterinarian.
6. Water Additive
Water additives include enzymatic elements that break down tartar and eliminate bad breath in dogs. Most dental water additives come in liquid form and are suitable for dogs’ dental health. Most herbal-based water additives work excellently in replace of brushing but will change the color of your pet’s water to green. So please do not be alarmed!
7. Dog Dental Chews
Dental chews work as a fantastic option as a brush alternative, and your dog will love the taste. Go for all-natural rubber dental chews for dogs developed with depressions and bumps to strengthen their efficacy while rubbing the gums and teeth. Some dental chews also have a uniquely minty flavor to them. Apart from clearing plaque, they also help increase the stimulation of blood flow to gums due to the massaging action.
8. Dog Chewable Toys
Dog chewable toys are different from dental chews. They aren’t nutritive like the dental chews, but they prompt regular chewing in dogs. Any act of chewing will aid in smoothing your dog’s teeth and scrape away tartar. Chewable toys have other advantages as well. If your dog shows destructive furniture chewing behavior at home, throw some chewable toys at them. And reap the benefits of healthy chewing, keeping them away from destruction.
9. Fruits And Vegetables
Providing raw veggies & fruits is safe for your furry friend and helps clean their teeth. And incorporating it into your dog’s diet is an excellent means to boost its overall wellness. In addition, vegetables and fruits are low on carbohydrates; thus, it contributes way less to plaque build-up.
Related: How Celery Sticks Can Improve Your Dog’s Teeth?
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Many users find it hard to clean their dog’s teeth and hence, have many questions. So, we have answered a few common queries of dog owners regarding their canine’s teeth cleaning process.
Should I Clean My Dog’s Teeth With Baking Soda?
Many dog owners use baking soda to clean their dog’s teeth, but it’s not recommended due to its harmful factors. If you have access to other measures to clean your dog’s teeth, then you should avoid the usage of baking soda in their mouth.
Should I Clean My Dog’s Teeth With Hydrogen Peroxide?
Hydrogen Peroxide has a weird and lousy smell that dogs resist in their mouth, so it’s better to avoid using it. Also, swallowing too much hydrogen peroxide can induce an upset stomach or vomiting in dogs. It’s advisable to consult with your vet before serving H2O2 to your dog.
Should I Clean My Dog’s Teeth With A Scraper?
Again, it’s not recommended to use a scraper on your dog’s teeth as it can damage the dog’s teeth, enamel, and gums. It can also lead to gum bleeding, which can be painful and uncomfortable for dogs. It’s recommended to seek a proper veterinarian consultation before using a scraper for a dog’s teeth cleaning.
Final Thoughts
Bottom line? With these super simple cleaning tips, you now know there are many ways to clean your dog’s teeth without brushing them. Remember that chewing is their intuitive way of keeping their teeth clean, so capitalize on that by providing lots of exciting and effective chew toys.
Beyond that, look for ways to add teeth cleaning remedies to their diet and consider investing in supplements or additives after consulting with your vet.
Make sure that you are aiding your puppy to keep their teeth healthy. After all, some dogs struggle with possessive issues, and others don’t have the strength to bite down as hard as they need to. So, choose the alternatives depending on your dog’s health and behavior.
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