What Are The Common Dog Paw Problems?
The frequent dog paw problems include cracks in nails, split toes, frostbite in paws, burns, blisters, cysts, and allergies. Dogs develop these issues over time while walking on rough surfaces or hot pavements.
Dog paw problems are common, and almost every dog breed suffers from paw injuries regularly. While seeing your dog doing abnormal walks might panic you, there are simple ways to treat your dog’s paw injuries.
This article will talk about the common dog problems and issues that your dog might encounter with. I’ve also suggested a few ways to treat and heal those problems. So, without any further ado, let’s start.
10 Most Common Dog Paw Problems
Dog’s paws are soft and help them walk; hence they’re more prone to problems. Over time, they develop many issues, which lead to discomfort and pain while they walk. Below are the 10 common dog paw problems and the natural ways to treat them:
1. Cracks And Cuts In Nails
Cuts, wounds, and cracks are common in dogs’ paw nails and create a big problem while they walk. Sometimes these cuts and splits often lead to paw bleeding and soreness. If their nail cracks are left untreated, they might also lead to paw infection and serious injuries.
It’s important to regularly groom your dog’s nails and toes to prevent them from getting nail injuries. However, if your doggie suffers from severe cracks and splits in his paw nails, it’s advisable to visit your vet for their proper paw treatment.
How To Treat Cracks And Cuts In Your Dog’s Nails?
Remove the broken nail part from your dog’s paw using dog nail clippers. Then gently apply some pressure to stop their bleeding. Clean their wound with cotton or antibiotic cream and then compress the damaged area with a towel.
You can bathe your dog’s paw in warm water to eliminate the bacteria and prevent infection. In the end, you can bandage their paw to prevent them from any further injuries.
However, If you’ve never had any experience cutting or trimming your dog’s nails, simply visit your vet for their paws treatment.
2. Fungal And Yeast Infection In Paws
Fungus and yeast are micro-bacterial organisms that reside on your dog’s skin. They usually present in small numbers but rapidly grow in summer and humid environments. Fungal infection is common in dogs and can occur anywhere on their skin, including ears and paws.
Yeast and Fungal attacks make a dog’s paws irritated, flaky, red, and sore. The skin also becomes dark and brown, and they also start losing hair in the affected area. Dogs suffering from yeast infection often lick and rub their paws to avoid irritation and itchiness.
How To Treat Fungal And Yeast Infection In Your Dog’s Paw?
Many home remedies can treat yeast and fungal infection on your dog’s skin. This includes applying yogurt, coconut oil and bathing them with herbal shampoo. You can also include fermented vegetables in your dog’s diet to improve their overall health, which will eliminate the yeast infection from your dog’s body.
3. Frostbite In Dog’s Paws
Frostbite is a severe condition developed on dogs’ body parts when they’re exposed to extreme cold weather. Usually, temperature before 30 degrees Fahrenheit can cause frostbite on your dog’s skin, including their nose, ears, and paws.
Dog’s Paws with frostbite may appear gray and pale on touch. Frostbite can also slow down the blood circulatory system, leading to severe problems. Hence, it’s essential to visit your vet to treat your dog’s affected paws.
How To Treat Frostbite In Your Dog’s Paws
If your dog is also suffering from frostbite in their paws, you can apply a warm towel over their feet. Try not to rub their affected area, as it may cause more damage than treatment. If their paws look seriously damaged, take them to your vet for proper inspection.
4. Dry And Split Paw Pads
Paw pads are an integral part of your dog’s paw structure. They are usually pink or black due to their pigmented colors and are covered with fatty tissues. Paw pads help dogs balance, provide traction in the running, and help absorb shocks.
Dogs who are more exposed to hiking and camping have rough and scratch paw pads. However, sometimes dogs also develop swelling, cracks, and dryness on their paw pads which creates problems while they walk.
How To Take Care Of Your Dog’s Paw Pads?
If your dog’s paw pads are swollen and showing signs of crack, then you should stop them from walking on hot surfaces, as it will cause more pain to their feet. Also, start washing their paws regularly with warm water and apply some wax to their paw pads to comfort them.
You can also make them wear dog boots to provide them the proper protection from paw injuries.
5. Paw Allergies And Irritation
One of the most common paw issues in dogs is allergies and irritation. Dogs develop allergies on their feet and paws due to several reasons. It can be due to excess fur, eating the wrong food, inhaling pollen, or even yeast infection. Irritated dog paws often lead to discomfort and pain while they walk and jump.
Allergies can cause inflammation, irritation, itching, swelling, and discomfort in dogs. If your dog’s paws are also affected by any allergy, you might more often see them rubbing or licking their paws. Different types of allergies can cause itchiness in your dog’s paws; however, with proper treatment, you can eliminate these allergies from your dog’s skin and body.
How To Treat Dog’s Paw Allergies?
The right way to treat allergies from your dog’s paws is to stop the allergens from entering your dog’s body. If your dog is allergic to public parks, then avoid taking them for walking sessions in those parks. If your dog is allergic to grass, you should control their exposure to the grassy surfaces.
Several home remedies, such as coconut oil, flea oil, and turmeric help eliminate allergies from your dog’s skin. In case of a serious condition, it’s advisable to take your dog to the vet for proper treatment.
6. Interdigital Cysts In Dog’s Paws
According to BetterPet, Interdigital Cysts are small damages that occur between the toes of the dogs. These cysts look red and sore and are filled with blood and pus. If left untreated, interdigital cysts can lead to serious damage and bacterial infection to your dog’s paws.
Fungal infections, bacteria attacks, and allergies all lead to the development of Interdigital Cysts in a dog’s paws. Breeds which have short hairs between their toes are more prone to this condition as these hairs get pushed inside the hair follicles.
How To Treat Interdigital Cysts In Dog’s Paws?
When you see your dog’s paws having interdigital cysts, it’s good to visit your veterinarian for the treatment procedure. I would not recommend you treat these cysts by yourself at home as it may lead to more damage to your dog’s paws.
7. Parasite And Ticks Attack
Almost every dog breed carries parasites on its skin, and the most affected areas are their eyes, ears, stomach, and paws. Parasite attacks can lead to many problems in a dog’s health, such as irritation, itching, hair loss, and swelling.
Parasites that suck blood from the body make a dog’s immune system weaker and slower. Hence, it’s quite important to get rid of parasites and fleas from your dog’s paws and skin.
How To Get Rid Of Parasites From A Dog’s Body?
You can remove parasites from your dog’s body by regularly brushing them, bathing them with anti-bacterial shampoo, and giving them the right meals. If the parasites are causing severe damage to your dog’s paws, you should consult your vet for the parasite removal treatment.
8. Dryness In Paws
Another common dog paw problems is dryness in their paws, and many reasons lead to dryness in dogs’ skin. This includes poor diet, dry air, allergic reactions, etc.
Dry paws, if left untreated, can result in inflammation, soreness, redness, and yeast infection. Dry skin also makes dogs feel uncomfortable as they keep licking their paws excessively.
How To Treat Dryness In Your Dog’s Paws?
To heal the dry paws of your four-legged companion, you should find ways to moisturize their paws. This can be done either by visiting your vet for their proper paws inspection or can be treated naturally at home by using simple home remedies.
Related: 11 Home Remedies To Moisturize Your Dog’s Paws
9. Dog’s Foot Pad Injuries
Foot pad injuries are common in dogs, especially if your dog loves to run and jog on rough surfaces. Foot pad injuries include cuts, bleeding, wounds, nail bleeding, blisters, cysts, etc. Usually, when dogs get hit by glass or stones, they develop these injuries, which take time to heal.
Regular bleeding and open wounds can invite many chemicals and parasites to your dog’s paws. Hence, it becomes very critical to timely heal their paws to protect them from further injuries.
How To Treat Dog’s Foot Pad Injuries?
Foot pads are located at the bottom of a dog’s feet, which helps them balance and walk. If you’re seeing injury signs on your dog’s foot pads and paws, it’s recommended to take them to your vet for proper treatment measures. Also, you can make your dog wear dog boots to prevent them from more injuries.
10. Dog’s Paw Pads Start Peeling Off
Imagine seeing your dog limping and struggling to walk, and you discover that their paw pads are peeling off from the bottom. It happens mostly in winters, as melting ice releases chemicals that damage the dog’s paw pads.
Sometimes, itching and allergies can also peel off your dog’s paws. Because when dogs try to relieve their itching, they peel and crack their paw pads. This condition often leads to limping, pain, and discomfort in dogs.
How To Prevent Peeling Paw Pads In Dogs?
Helping your dog heal their peeled and cracked paw pads can make their life simpler and more comfortable while they walk. You can apply paw pad wax or oil, which soothe the pain and gradually heal the cracks. If nothing works out for you, take your canine to the vet checkup. Remember unhealthy dog paw pads are an invitation to many bacteria, viruses and infection.
Final Words
The bottom line is that dogs are easily prone to paw and foot injuries. It includes cuts, blisters, burns, cracks, and nail scrapes. The bad news is that ignoring your dog’s paw problems can lead to trouble and may cause pain to your beloved canine. However, the good news is that you can easily treat your dog’s paw injuries and problems by trying natural remedies and home treatment.
Minor injuries can be treated by applying first aid to your dog’s paws, and major injuries are recommended to be treated by vets only.
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- 11 Effective Home Remedies To Moisturize Dog Paws Naturally
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