Many of us might yawn at the idea of training our dogs, be it any kind of training. Nevertheless, training our dogs needs a lot of time and patience. But, once done, it’s just a cakewalk rest of the time. Like other pieces of training, one might think that dog potty training is a herculean task.
Though, in reality, it’s not. When you have a real love and the right wisdom to take care of the dog, dog potty training is simple and easy to do.
Simply put, dog potty training is inevitable. Every dog lover is concerned about their pet’s well-being and hygiene. For the same reason, giving more time to your pets for potty training is vital and it is a form of love, care, and affection, of course!
Dog Potty Training
When it comes to potty training, various concerns would arise in your minds ranging from what is the best age to potty train your dog to its food intake, and sleep schedule. Unpacking the first answer, the best age to potty train a dog is between 7 weeks to 10 weeks age-old.
How To Potty Train A Dog?
Many dog owners start with housetraining their dogs which is the best practice. Outside environments can make them uncomfortable and fearful.
It’s important to understand that every dog has a different approach towards learning potty training, hence plan the process accordingly.
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7 Quick Ways To Potty Train Your Dog
First things first, introduce your dog to your family and make them comfortable. It’s the best time to lay the training foundation for your dog and make things easier for the future.
Also remember, it takes up to 4 to 6 months for your dog to learn the full potty training process. Some breeds take more or less time depending on their learning skills.
There are 7 tried and true ways for dog potty training, let’s quickly delve into these ways:
Establishing a regular habit
Establish a habit for the dogs to pee by carrying them outdoor immediately after they wake up, had food or drink, and before going to bed at night. This way, they can establish a regular routine for their toilet time.
Find a potty zone
Find a potty zone outside and always take them at least every two hours. This would help them to easily remember the potty zone next time and they can go there to pee themselves.
Appreciate and reward your dog
When your dog follows a good habit like keeping a proper potty schedule and toilet manners or even or listens to you, appreciate and reward them.
Follow a regular feeding schedule
The feeding time for dogs relates to their age. Usually, puppies feed 4 times a day and by following a regular feeding schedule puppies can keep a regular potty schedule.
Never punish them
If you are punishing your dogs for bad toilet manners, you are absolutely doing wrong. Don’t ever punish them. They expect only love, affection, attention, and care from you. Accidents and faults can happen. If you find it in your presence, make distractions and avoid them do it.
Dog potty training with bell
Dog potty training with the bell is a simple and amazing trick for dog potty training. Simply hanging a bell nearer to the puppy’s home and ringing the bell whenever they wanted to go potty area is a great and practicable idea.
Using commands
It will take time to reach this phase in potty train your dog, but once this stage will be reached, things will sort out easily. Learn their signs and behavior, and then use the right set of commands to guide them.
How to stop dogs from peeing in the house?
House training a dog is a simple method and you can make your dog behave well and well. There are a lot of reasons, for a dog peeing in the house like a new atmosphere, fear, not knowing how to communicate, some health problems caused by parasites, bacteria, viruses, and food allergies, etc.
These diseases are diagnosable and can be treated clearly. However, dogs get adapted to the new environment easily. Thus, give them their time and always create a comfortable and happy space for them, and encourage them to go outside. Don’t forget to give them distractions when they are going doing wrong.
By applying these simple tricks, you can easily stop your dog from peeing in the house and train your dog well.
No doubt, dog training is an exhilarating activity. The bond between your dog and you would surely strengthen by these techniques. These techniques work best for improving the communication system between you and your dog. Let’s pour some empathy and attention into our little ones.
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Let us know in the comments section, how are you planning to potty train your dog and share your thoughts on the same.
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